Monday, June 07, 2010

He even got a big check!

The Trump Taj Mahal bad beat was hit on Sunday night ending the largest bad beat in Atlantic City history.

The Press of Atlantic City has an article with a photo of the man holding a large check inside the poker room. I hope he left with it.

The bad beat was quad sevens beat by quad aces in a $2/$4 limit game.

Congratulations to John Bazela who won.

However, the part that struck me was the last paragraph.

But every gambling story has to have one loser, and everyone knows it's not the house.

Shortly before Bazela struck the untraditional jackpot, Beverly Joskowitz, of Bayonne, Hudson County, left her spot at the table to grab a quick bite to eat. Twenty minutes later, she returned to the mob scene around her table. She had missed being a part of history, and more importantly, she was out more than $24,000.

"My stomach went to the floor," she said upon hearing the news. "It's still there. I haven't picked it up yet."

I feel sick for her. That's a terrible way to find out that you lost your share of roughly $24,000. Imagine sitting there for hours on end and then that happened.

I know someone who was sitting on this game and I intend to find out if Joskowitz was given any money by the other players on the game. There have been tables that make a pact with each other that if someone is in the bathroom or grabbing food, they are still going to get their share of the money.

From the sounds of it, this was not that kind of table.

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