Sunday, October 12, 2008

My mission: The Commerce

I will be in Los Angeles until Thursday morning, so the plan is to get to the Commerce before I have to go home. There was time yesterday, but since I only slept for two hours before I had to catch my flight and I didn't stop working until I finally got to my room at 9 p.m. (ET), I passed out three hours, forcing myself to stay up that long.

Playing poker while tired is never a good idea. The plan is to head to the Commerce on Tuesday. Phillies and I have plenty of extra time. If we have to play a Game 5, Tuesday is still an off day and I will have plenty of time to get to the felt.

I haven't decided if I am going to NL Hold 'Em or Stud. Maybe, I will make a whole day of it and try a little of both.

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