Saturday, November 08, 2008

Bad Beat coming to Borgata?

I was on vacation this week and spent a lot of time at the felt. The two things I heard talked about were Caesar's bad beat, which I presume is up to around $260K if it hasn't been hit yet, and Borgata is getting a bad beat jackpot come December 1.

I played at Caesar's once and it's as bad as I remember it to be. The dealers don't run the games and, because everyone is a tough guy in a casino, more than one argument break out.

I'll have more to write later. Just wanted to update the latest information that I heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the real bad beat was on the poor Borgata employees...

The good thing about a bad beat jackpot is that it attracts bad players. That is, the same people who would go to a casino just because of a bad beat jackpot (which is no different than a lottery) are the people who would make a pot-sized call to an inside straight with only only card left to come -- the type of people you WANT to play against...unless they hit that inside straight and put a true bad beat on you.

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