Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Poker Loses a Legend (cactus i.v.)

Chip ReeseThe poker world was shocked Tuesday when poker legend Chip Reese died at the age of 56. Reese, owner of three World Series of Bracelets, complained of pneumonia symptoms but did not go to the hospital.

Reese died in his sleep and was found by his son early Tuesday morning at his Las Vegas home, according to the Associated Press.

"I knew him for 35 years, I never saw him get mad or raise his voice," Doyle Brunson told AP. "He had the most even disposition of anyone I've ever met. He's certainly the best poker player that ever lived."

After attending Dartmouth College, Reese was on his way to Stanford business school in the early 1970s when he stopped by a Las Vegas poker room and won big, said World Series of Poker media director Nolan Dalla.

"He just accidentally stumbled into Las Vegas and never left," Dalla said to the AP.

One of Reese's biggest accomplishments was winning the HORSE event in 2005. The HORSE event combines five poker disciplines where many professionals consider the winner the real poker champion.

But Reese mostly focused his time on the big cash games on Vegas, not wasting too much money and time on the tournaments.

Reese is survived by a son, a daughter and a stepdaughter. He was recently divorced from his wife.



Anonymous said...

Traggic. A great legend gone too soon.
I did not read or hear about this till now (12/12) because the mass media don't cover poker. Thanks for your coverage, which I try to check once every few weeks.
I was shocked by this, but at least glad to have heard about it at all, so that I may appreciate Chip's life now, rather than hearing about thisd loss a year from now on some random WSOP broadcast. Thanks.
Everybody take care of yourselves.
Freddie B

Sooz said...

Thanks for the comments Freddie.

I hate how the mass media doesn't cover poker, which is one of the reasons why I started this blog.

I'm in the process of trying to get more done with this blog so I could get information out there.

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