Tuesday, August 07, 2007

R.I.P. Bob - You'll always be my favorite

Recently, there has been a series of deaths of either people I know or those associated with people I know. Yes, I know people die and that’s just life, but it still makes me sad.

Last night, I found out that my favorite poker dealer in Atlantic City died on Wednesday. (No, not my boyfriend. He doesn’t count).

Robert Defonia, better known as Bob from Caesars. He went home after work on Wednesday morning and apparently had a heart attack. He was only 53.

Bob was my favorite for a number of reasons. Besides being an excellent dealer, he was always fair. He laughed at my jokes and always had a smile for me. He always had a few jokes himself. Whenever he dealt and didn’t push me a pot after getting off the table he would tell me, “Next time I’ll get ya.” Even if he didn’t get me next time, I always looked forward to him dealing to me.

I haven’t played at Caesars in awhile because I don’t like what the room has become, but I always thought about Bob. He knew he was my favorite because whenever he sat down, I let the table know Bob was my favorite dealer.

The last time I was there was about two months ago. I saw Bob, he didn’t deal to me that night. But he was so happy to see me. He gave me a huge hug and told me he missed having me around. He didn’t have to do that. The dealers at Caesars make a ton of money, so it wasn’t as though he was buttering me up for tips.

He was a good guy and I am definitely going to miss him. Next time we meet, I hope I get to play a few hands with him rather than him dealing.

UPDATE: There is no vieweing for Bob. The family elected to have him cremated. There is a celebration of life get together on Friday from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. at the Palladium Room at Caesars. Those of you that knew are welcome to come. He was good man.

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